Student Information
General Information
WAHT comprises of WOR (Worcester Royal Hospital) , ALEX (Alexandra Hospital Redditch) , and KTC (Kidderminster Treatment Centre). Most of the placement will be at ALEX however there are some educational activities such as acute simulation session and certain clinical specialty experiences such as cardiac cath lab for which you will be required to travel to WOR
For your first induction day, please park in the patient car park. You will then need to complete a car parking application during induction in order to park across our sites.
You will receive both a paper hard copy of the timetable and access to a live Google calendar for timetabling. The paper copy may end up out of date if we need to make any changes to teaching or clinics. Therefore, please check and refresh you live Google calendar regularly to keep up to date with any potential changes/ If a change is made we will also endeavour to email you regarding this but this may not always be possible.
You will receive two swipe cards - one for access at the ALEX - with a black stripe along the back, and the other for WOR. Please ensure you return both of the cards at the end of placement.
The Trust has moved to electronic patient records - known as Sunrise. You will receive logins for this when you arrive. On your first session with your Clinical Supervisor/CTF - please check that these are working and they have shown you the basics of how the system works
Information regarding the structure of the Academy - who is who and who is responsible for Warwick and e-mail contacts etc.
Scrubs will be provided if required at the hire cost of £10 which will be returned at the end of placement on receipt back of the scrubs
If at any point you have any concerns regarding the placement or clinical care on wards, please escalate your concerns immediately to your Clinical Supervisor and Admin Team.
E-portfolio requirements for successful completion on placement:
In line with University requirements, please ensure the following are completed and uploaded onto your e-portfolio before your End of Block review with your clinical supervisor: 1 x Mini-Cex (completed by ST3+), 1 x CBD (completed by ST3+), 1 x written reflection, 1 x graded OSLER (we will schedule these for you) and 2 x Warwick TABs.
Please also keep your learning log updated each week and ensure you have shared this with your supervisor to review before the End of Block review
Please think about and inform your clinical supervisor of the most helpful feedback you have received during the block
What to expect from us
Weekly Tutorials with Clinical Supervisor or CTF - we are flexible on topics delivered so think before starting with us if there are any topics you would particularly like to cover in a tutorial.
Weekly Bedside Teaching with Clinical Supervisor or CTF
Timetabled Consultant-led clinics across a range of specialties
One acute simulation session
One ward-round based simulation session
Timetabled clerking time to see new patients
Timetabled time with the medical post-take team
Timetabled on-call time with medical ward cover doctor
Assignment to two different medical wards during the placements where you will spend more time and embed a part of the clinical team partaking in ward rounds and other ward-based clinical experiences.
Timetabled ward-work/self-directed learning time
When possible within clinical schedules, consultant or other junior doctor-led teaching sessions
If you miss a scheduled session due to illness or other reasons, if it is possible, we will do our best to re-organise the learning opportunity. However, this may not always be possible.
If you would like to have any other clinical learning experience that is not on your timetable, please let the admin know and we will do our best to organise these if possible.
What we expect from you
We expect professional behaviour and communication from all students placed with us
Unless you are unwell, have leave booked, or have a valid reason, we expect attendance at placement every day and engagement with all clinical teaching sessions and clinics. If you are unable to attend placement on a particular day otr are running late to a session, we expect this to be communicated to us in an appropriate and timely manner before the start of the session so that the clinicians can be informed and if possible sessions rearranged for you to catch up. If you simply do not turn up for a session with no contact, we will continue to attempt to contact you until we can ensure your safety which may include escalating to the University.